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化妆品 , 彩妆 , 美容 , 护理 , 化妆工具 , 眼影 , 粉饼 , 唇彩 电话咨询 86-****6345 手机浏览 纠错/管理
嘉美制造集团始建于1993年,是中国最早最专业的彩妆贴牌生产加工商之一。在中国国内拥有超过20,000平方米的厂房面积和200多个生产工人。全部生产条件符合美国GMP和欧洲REACH标准。其拥有的10万级洁净无尘生产车间完全按照欧盟的ISO22716及美国的GMP规定条件生产。嘉美制造集团以其最早最先推出市场的256色,180色,120色,88色,78色等眼影盘而享有国际盛誉,还包括经典的66色唇彩,32色唇彩,10色腮红,10色遮暇膏, 6色粉饼等,引起了国内外其它厂家一轮轮的跟风仿效。 全国加工免费咨询电话/传真:4000-626-345。QQ:2960808950 如需更多信息,请浏览我公司官方网站:www.jmcosmetics.com ,或者发邮件到我们邮箱:jmcosmetics@qq.com 。 Jiamei Manufacturing Group Limited (JMcosmetics) is a professional cosmetics OEM, ODM manufacturer which was established in 1993, with 20,000 square meters workplace and more than 300 workers work in it. All the facilities meet the standards of GMP and REACH. It has a standard of 100,000 grades dust-free workshop and the production fully comply with ISO22716 and GMP management system. It is a world well-known make-up manufacturer who is famous for its 256 color eyeshadow palette, 180 color eyeshadow palette, 120 color eyeshadow palette, 88 color eyeshadow palettes, 78 color eyeshadow, 66 color lip palette, 32 color lip palette, 10 color professional blush, 6 color contour & blush palette and so on, which is produced followed by a lot of other factories. JMcosmetics already helped a lot of persons or companies to set up their own business by labeling it’s product or developing clients’ own product in any corner of the world. She is always your best partner when you want to have your own business. For more information, please visit www.jmcosmetics.com or email to jmcosmetics@qq.com. Thank you.
  • 所在地区:广东省广州市天河区
  • 行业分类:
  • 企业类型:个人独资企业
  • 注册资金:
  • 经营方式:生产型
  • 员工人数:
  • 地址:广州市天河区马场路
  • 邮编:510630
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